Flexible Working From the Get-Go

On 20th July 2023, The Employment Relations (Flexible Working) Act 2023 (the Act) received Royal Assent

Amanda Harrold of A&S Recruitment shares what this means to employees and employers.

She says: “With millions of employees now able to request flexible working from day one of their employment, the standard five days in the workplace will no longer be considered the working norm.

“It’s also important to appreciate that flexible working doesn’t just mean a combination of working from home and in the office – it can mean employees making use of job-sharing, flexitime, and working compressed, annualised, or staggered hours.”

With the legislation passed into law, A&S Recruitment is on a mission to ensure that those looking for new roles and its client companies are made aware of the changes. As Amanda says: “Inevitably, there are some companies and positions which are more suited to adapting to the impacts of the new legislation than others.   

“But with evidence highlighting that flexible working creates a more diverse working environment and workforce and can lead to improved financial returns, it is incumbent on us as recruitment specialists in the logistics sector to make all clients fully aware.”

Full details of the new legislation can be found here.

To find out more about how this legislation impacts those in the logistics sector, please contact Amanda Harrold e:  [email protected]  t: 01394 2866051