Shipping Jobs in Felixstowe

Most people aren’t aware that 90% of everything that they own and buy are brought to them via ship. Shipping is one of the biggest industries in transport and logistics, because goods and materials can come from the far reaches of the world. Right now, there is a huge influx of shipping jobs in Felixstowe, and seeing as the world of international trade is constantly moving, there is never a boring moment in this industry. Some of the biggest ships that travel across the world have the capacity to carry almost 20,000 shipping containers at any one time, which means that there are plenty of roles to choose from in the shipping industry.

Surprisingly, given the sheer number of shipping jobs in Felixstowe that are available, there aren’t many out there that consider shipping as a viable career option. You don’t need to have previous experience as a sailor, and it doesn’t matter whether you are a total newbie to the industry; your skillset could still be recognised for a variety of shipping jobs in Felixstowe. The entire industry is constantly evolving and the roles vary between being on board the ship and jobs such as ballast water management – which involves ensuring that the safety of the water taken in as ballast in port.

You could choose to be working an environmental role as this is the industry that is kindest to the earth. In fact, marine pollution has reduced so substantially over the past 15 years, which should attract more people to a career that believes in ethical practice. There are so many variations roles that it can be hard to choose what to do next. With that in mind, here are just a couple of the roles you could find when you search for shipping jobs in Felixstowe:

Operations Team. This is a role in shipping that is perfect for those who love to be organised. Operations covers a wide range of skills, including support, coordination, customer services and admin. Graduates make for excellent juniors in the operations team, with entry level roles requiring a shipping degree in some companies.

Superintendent. Ships that have come ashore often have chief engineers who are now superintendents. They deal with the dry docking and major repairs, vessel surveys and audits and investigating breakdowns. It’s a big job that commands a big salary, and engineering and seagoing experience is a must for senior engineering roles.

People who choose to work in shipping need to have patience, excellent communication skills and an ability to motivate themselves. The shipping jobs in Felixstowe require those who can be tenacious about what they’re doing and in such a varied industry, be willing to keep up with the many changes that happen.

Finding a role in shipping in Felixstowe is made far easier by the consultants at A&S Recruitment, who are only happy to assist you with your job search.