Video & Skype Interviews in 2020

Video interviewing is not a new concept but could become much more prevalent in current conditions as business tries to limit the damage of Coronavirus. Coronavirus has now been given pandemic status by the WHO (World Health Organisation) and continues to cause disruption and concern throughout the world. Whilst our own government hosts emergency COBRA meetings advice will change over the next hours, days, weeks and months.

If you’re asked to do a video interview rather than in person there are some key things to think about.

We want to ensure you’re fully prepared and make the best possible impression. Skype is often a way to conduct a video interview and Skype video calls can closely imitate in person interviews and are easier to build rapport than telephone chats.

It’s important to prepare as if you were meeting in person.

1. What Platform Will Be Used?

Skype is a very common and simple platform for video interviews. Make sure you download the app and get used to it. Make some test video calls with family or friends. This means you’ll be familiar with the technology and it won’t be a cause of concern. Work out how to adjust the volume, what room you are best to make the call in, how far away from your laptop you should be. Laptop is preferable to a phone if available to you.

2. Prepare

Like any interview you will need to be prepared. Do your research on the company, read their About Us page on their website to get to understand what is important to them and their company ethos.

Read and re-read the job description. Understand what parts of the job you can excel at and have examples. At the same time if you have any weaknesses, have them in mind in case you need to discuss, also formulate a way you can turn this into a positive. For example, perhaps there is a training course you can do, you could ask for a mentor or to shadow someone for a period of time to strengthen any weak spots.

3. Communication

If you are on a video call there can be delays so try to avoid babbling if there is a quiet time, it could just be the connection. Bear in mind you will need to speak clearly and try not to shuffle and fidget, this can cause extra noise and is also heightened over video.

4. Basic Preparation

As with any interview, it’s important not to be late. Make sure you’re set up at least 10 minutes in advance and that you’re in a quiet place with no distractions and background noise.

Make sure your background is clean and tidy.

Ensure any technology you are using is fully charged so you’re not in danger of losing connection due to batteries failing.

Have a copy of your CV to hand, preferably printed off so you’re only using your laptop for the video call and not reading your CV from it.

Dress appropriately. You may be at home but you should still dress according to the role you are applying for.

5. End of the Interview

Remember you won’t have the usual formalities of ending the interview with a handshake. Some ideas to end your conversion:

  • Thank you for your time and for taking the time and effort to organise a video call.
  • It was a pleasure to meet you digitally and look forward to meeting in person.
  • It sounds like a fantastic opportunity and I look forward to your feedback soon.

At A&S Recruitment we help all of our candidates and prepare them in the best way for interviews either in person, on the phone or by video. If you’re looking for a new role you can view our current positions here or contact us to speak to our professional and friendly team.